Articles scientifiques et techniques
Overview of microbial communities in the surface water of…
Diverse microbial communities play a crucial role in maintaining the proper functioning of river…
Optimization of Liquid-State Anaerobic Digestion by Defining…
This study aimed to define the optimal composition of three heterogeneous substrates of the…
Évaluation de l’effet potentiel de rejets de station…
Des techniques avancées efficaces pour améliorer le traitement des rejets de stations d’épuration…
Monitoring microplastics in the Seine River in the Greater…
This data paper presents microplastic (MP) concentration and composition data from four campaigns in…
Asymmetry and intermittency in the rheo-inertial transition…
Transition to turbulence in pipe has been extensively studied but is still not completely understood…
Spatial and temporal characteristics of microbial…
Microorganisms play an important role in maintaining the proper functioning of river ecosystems and…