178 résultats correspondent à votre recherche. Afficher les résultats 166 à 178 de 178.
Optimisation de la codigestion anaérobie en voies liquide et solide par couplage de plans de mélange et d'expérimentations multi-échelles en laboratoire
Mémoires de thèse, Mocopée
Ce travail a pour objectif de proposer une méthode d’optimisation de la ...
A continuous-time LPV models for a biofiltration process in wastewater nitrification - A global approach methodology for parametric estimation
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
Biological wastewater treatment processes are essential in the sustainable ...
First electrochemical Couette-Taylor reactor for studying the influence of transport phenomena on electrochemical kinetics
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
Electroactive biofilms are powerful catalysts of many electrochemical ...

Degradation of Cationic Polyacrylamide Flocculants upon Contact with Metal Surfaces during Rheological Measurements
2 minutes pour découvrir, Mocopée
Lors des opérations de traitement de l'eau, des polymères floculants (les ...
Improving monitoring of dissolved organic matter from the wastewater treatment plant to the receiving environment: a new high-frequency in situ fluorescence sensor capable of analyzing 29 pairs of Ex/Em wavelengths
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
A high-frequency, in situ fluorescence probe, called Fluocopée®, has been ...
Modélisation simultanée de l’enlèvement des nutriments et de l’évolution de la perte de charge en biofiltration des eaux usées
Mémoires de thèse, Mocopée
La biofiltration des eaux usées est un procédé de traitement par biomasse ...
Advanced spectroscopic and microscopic insights into cement biodeterioration in sulfur-rich sewer systems
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
The biodeterioration of cementitious materials within sewer networks ...

Improving monitoring of dissolved organic matter from the wastewater treatment plant to the receiving environment: a new high-frequency in situ fluorescence sensor capable of analyzing 29 pairs of Ex/Em wavelengths
2 minutes pour découvrir, Mocopée
En usine d’épuration, le fonctionnement du traitement biologique est ...
Spectroscopic mapping of biodeterioration products on cementitious materials in sewer networks exposed to low H2S levels
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
A sewer environment is considered a severe environment, but this severity ...
Photoelectrocatalytic conversion of urea under solar illumination using Ni decorated Ti-Fe2O3 electrodes
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
To reduce the energy cost and environmental impact of biological nitrogen ...

Impact of Cationic Polyacrylamide (CPAM) Degradation on Flocculation in Wastewater Treatment
2 minutes pour découvrir, Mocopée
Les usines d'épuration des eaux usées utilisent des agents floculants, ...
Evaluation of long-term aging of low-carbon cementitious materials under severe H2S impact in sewerage systems
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
The durability of cementitious materials in harsh environments, like marine ...
Progress on Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Urea and Ammonia Conversion from Urine for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
The valorization of urine through the electro-oxidation of urea offers a ...