87 résultats correspondent à votre recherche. Afficher les résultats 61 à 75 de 87.

Comportement des substances prioritaires sur les ouvrages de traitement des eaux usées : cas de la décantation lamellaire et de la biofiltration
2 minutes pour découvrir, OPUR
L'observatoire parisien OPUR (Observatoire des Polluants URbains - ...
Target and non-target screening of biomarkers in wastewater: towards a unique analytical methodology for sample preparation
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
This study aims to optimize a single preparation methodology based on ...
Benefits of ozonation before activated carbon adsorption for the removal of organic micropollutants from wastewater effluents
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
Advanced processes for the removal of organic micropollutants (OMPs) from ...
Influence of dissolved organic matter on the removal of 12 organic micropollutants from wastewater effluent by powdered activated carbon adsorption
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
The presence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in wastewater effluents is ...
Influence of the properties of 7 micro-grain activated carbons on organic micropollutants removal from wastewater effluent
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
Most studies dedicated to organic micropollutants (OMPs) removal from ...
Fluorescence excitation/emission matrices as a tool to monitor the removal of organic micropollutants from wastewater effluents by adsorption onto activated carbon
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
Monitoring the removal of organic micropollutants (OMPs) in advanced ...
Organic micropollutants in a large wastewater treatment plant: What are the benefits of an advanced treatment by activated carbon adsorption in comparison to conventional treatment?
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
Several advanced treatments, such as ozonation or activated carbon ...
Removal of a wide range of emerging pollutants from wastewater treatment plant discharges by micro-grain activated carbon in fluidized bed as tertiary treatment at large pilot scale
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
Among the solutions to reduce micropollutant discharges into the aquatic ...
Removal of emerging micropollutants from wastewater by activated carbon adsorption: Experimental study of different activated carbons and factors influencing the adsorption of micropollutants in wastewater
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
Activated carbon processes, initially designed for drinking water ...
Priority and emerging pollutants in sewage sludge and fate during sludge treatment
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
This paper aims at characterizing the quality of different treated sludges ...
Study of a large scale powdered activated carbon pilot: Removals of a wide range of emerging and priority micropollutants from wastewater treatment plant effluents
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
The efficacy of a fluidized powdered activated carbon (PAC) pilot ...
Phthalates and alkylphenols in industrial and domestic effluents: Case of Paris conurbation (France)
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
Phthalates and alkylphenols are toxics classified as endocrine disrupting ...
First assessment of triclosan, triclocarban and paraben mass loads at a very large regional scale: Case of Paris conurbation (France)
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
The objective of this study was to examine the occurrence of parabens (5 ...
Priority polluants in urban stormwater: part 2 – Case of combined sewers
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
This study has evaluated the quality of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) in ...
Biofiltration vs conventional activated sludge plants: what about priority and emerging pollutants removal?
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
This paper compares the removal performances of two complete wastewater ...