204 résultats correspondent à votre recherche. Afficher les résultats 196 à 204 de 204.
Long-term performances and membrane lifespan of full-scale MBR treating filtrate from sludge ultra-dewatering
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
n MBR treating filtrate from sludge ultra-dewatering (FSD) was studied to ...
Modeling, simulation and control of biological and chemical P-removal processes for membrane bioreactors (MBRs) from lab to full-scale applications: State of the art
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
Phosphorus (P) removal from the domestic wastewater is required to counter ...
Methane yield optimization using mix response design and bootstrapping: application to solid-state anaerobic co-digestion process of cattle manure and damp grass
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
Optimization of solid-state anaerobic digestion on cattle manure and damp ...
A coupling model for solid-state anaerobic digestion in leach-bed reactors: Mobile-Immobile water and anaerobic digestion model
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
A coupling distributed solid-state anaerobic digestion model was developed ...
Comprehensive study of supported PVDF membrane ageing in MBR: A direct comparison between changes at bench scale and full scale
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
While membrane bioreactors (MBR) have been broadly applied to wastewater ...
Temperature, turbidity, and the inner filter effect correction methodology for analyzing fluorescent dissolved organic matter in urban sewage
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) will be increasingly monitored by means of ...
Assessment of the Plastic Inputs From the Seine Basin to the Sea Using Statistical and Field Approaches
Articles scientifiques et techniques
Global estimations state that between 0.5 and 12.7 million metric tons of ...
La production de nitrites lors de la dénitrification des eaux usées par biofiltration - stratégie de contrôle et de réduction des concentrations résiduelles
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
Le développement des unités de post-dénitrification dans les stations ...
Non-target strategies by HRMS to evaluate fluidized micro-grain activated carbon as a tertiary treatment of wastewater
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
Among the release solutions for reducing the discharge of organic and ...