209 résultats correspondent à votre recherche. Afficher les résultats 166 à 180 de 209.
Urban pathways of biocides towards surface waters during dry and wet weathers: assessment at the Paris conurbation scale
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
Eighteen biocides used in building materials and domestic products were ...
Improving monitoring of dissolved organic matter from the wastewater treatment plant to the receiving environment: a new high-frequency in situ fluorescence sensor capable of analyzing 29 pairs of Ex/Em wavelengths
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
A high-frequency, in situ fluorescence probe, called Fluocopée®, has been ...
Advanced spectroscopic and microscopic insights into cement biodeterioration in sulfur-rich sewer systems
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
The biodeterioration of cementitious materials within sewer networks ...
Spectroscopic mapping of biodeterioration products on cementitious materials in sewer networks exposed to low H2S levels
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
A sewer environment is considered a severe environment, but this severity ...
Photoelectrocatalytic conversion of urea under solar illumination using Ni decorated Ti-Fe2O3 electrodes
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
To reduce the energy cost and environmental impact of biological nitrogen ...
Evaluation of long-term aging of low-carbon cementitious materials under severe H2S impact in sewerage systems
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
The durability of cementitious materials in harsh environments, like marine ...
Progress on Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Urea and Ammonia Conversion from Urine for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
The valorization of urine through the electro-oxidation of urea offers a ...
Tracking the formation potential of vivianite within the treatment train of full-scale wastewater treatment plants
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
Phosphorus recovery is a vital element for the circular economy. ...
Microplastic accumulation in sewer sediments and its potential entering the environment via combined sewer overflows : a study case in Paris
Articles scientifiques et techniques, MeSeine Innovation
During wet weather events, combined sewer overflows (CSOs) transfer large ...
Assessment of the durability of various cementitious materials subjected to low levels of H2S in wastewater networks
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
Wastewater networks are intrinsically attacked by the production of H2S, a ...
Monitoring microplastics in the Seine River in the Greater Paris area
Articles scientifiques et techniques, MeSeine Innovation
This data paper presents microplastic (MP) concentration and composition ...
Observer la ville par le prisme des eaux usées : Présentation de l'observatoire mise en oeuvre par le SIAAP en Île-de-France
Articles scientifiques et techniques
La création d’un observatoire des eaux usées par le Syndicat ...
Validation d’un protocole de vieillissement accéléré de membranes fibres creuses à l’échelle semi-industrielle
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée, Mocopée
Les membranes d’ultrafiltration se dégradent au cours de leurs années de ...
Degradation of Cationic Polyacrylamide Flocculants upon Contact with Metal Surfaces During Rheological Measurements
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
This research shows that cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM) flocculants, widely ...
Impact of cationic polyacrylamide degradation on flocculation in wastewater treatment
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
In wastewater treatment plants, flocculating agents, primarily polymers, ...