204 résultats correspondent à votre recherche. Afficher les résultats 181 à 195 de 204.
Estimation simultanée et en ligne de nitrates et nitrites par identification spectrale UV en traitement des eaux usées
Articles scientifiques et techniques
La Directive-cadre sur l’Eau impose aux États membres de l’Union européenne ...
Hydrocarbons and heavy metals in the different sewer deposits in the “Le Marais” catchment (Paris, France): stocks, distributions and origins
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
The knowledge of the pollution stored in combined sewers is of prime ...
Exploitation des unités de biofiltration des eaux résiduaires urbaines. Gestion des périodes d’arrêt
Articles scientifiques et techniques
Le traitement des eaux par biofiltration est une technologie intégrée dans ...
Hybrid modelling of nitrogen removal by biofiltration using high-frequent operational data
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
In this research, a parallel hybrid model is presented for the simulation ...
A continuous-time LPV models for a biofiltration process in wastewater nitrification - A global approach methodology for parametric estimation
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
Biological wastewater treatment processes are essential in the sustainable ...
First electrochemical Couette-Taylor reactor for studying the influence of transport phenomena on electrochemical kinetics
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
Electroactive biofilms are powerful catalysts of many electrochemical ...
Synthetic and non-synthetic anthropogenic fibers in a river under the impact of Paris Megacity: Sampling methodological aspects and flux estimations
Articles scientifiques et techniques
Processed fibers are highly present in our daily life and can be either ...
Fate of emerging and priority micropollutants during the sewage sludge treatment: Case study of Paris conurbation. Part 1: Contamination of the different types of sewage sludge
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
This article provides data on the contamination of different kinds of ...
Urban pathways of biocides towards surface waters during dry and wet weathers: assessment at the Paris conurbation scale
Articles scientifiques et techniques, OPUR
Eighteen biocides used in building materials and domestic products were ...
Improving monitoring of dissolved organic matter from the wastewater treatment plant to the receiving environment: a new high-frequency in situ fluorescence sensor capable of analyzing 29 pairs of Ex/Em wavelengths
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
A high-frequency, in situ fluorescence probe, called Fluocopée®, has been ...
Advanced spectroscopic and microscopic insights into cement biodeterioration in sulfur-rich sewer systems
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
The biodeterioration of cementitious materials within sewer networks ...
Spectroscopic mapping of biodeterioration products on cementitious materials in sewer networks exposed to low H2S levels
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
A sewer environment is considered a severe environment, but this severity ...
Photoelectrocatalytic conversion of urea under solar illumination using Ni decorated Ti-Fe2O3 electrodes
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
To reduce the energy cost and environmental impact of biological nitrogen ...
Evaluation of long-term aging of low-carbon cementitious materials under severe H2S impact in sewerage systems
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
The durability of cementitious materials in harsh environments, like marine ...
Progress on Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Urea and Ammonia Conversion from Urine for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment
Articles scientifiques et techniques, Mocopée
The valorization of urine through the electro-oxidation of urea offers a ...